Friday, February 15, 2013

DRC's and Little Russia.

     Hello all.  I have had an interesting week here in NY.  My team has been traveling to Coney Island to support various DRC's or Disaster Recovery Centers.  Since there is not enough work or space for the entire team to be at one Center at one time, we have split up the team into 4 different DRC's.  We have been rotating which DRC's we go to and the people that we work with.  For the most part I have been working at a community center in Little Russia.  During my lunch break I have taken the opportunity to explore Little Russia and try some new foods and snacks, as well as buying some cool looking socks.  Exciting!  I have also gotten to know a few of the FEMA reservists during our down time.  They are some pretty cool people working for FEMA. Many of them speak a different language. It's fascinating to hear their stories and experiences as well as them speaking their first language. 
     More exciting news is that we are now not just shadowing the specialists, but rather taking on our own cases, with help when needed.  I am more confident navigating myself around the system and am getting a better sense of how to help the applicants.  I am really proud of myself for finally being able to do case work by myself! I was a little nervous at first but I have been getting better and better!  I have been able to assist many applicants with going through the appeal process for FEMA and referring them to the right place to get to the next step in the process.  We are being treated as more of specialists instead of trainees.  I am currently stationed at a Yacht Club where there is an injured swan outside, and we are waiting for the little guy (well actually big guy) to be picked up and hopefully get some medical attention. 

The Swan, or Mr. Swanny as I called him.

Little Russia.

     I am sure you all have heard of the recent tornados in Mississippi.  As for FEMA Corps deploying there, we have gotten no word about that yet.  Whatever happens with Ocean 7, we will be ready to serve.  I am often thinking of how crazy it is that our lives and work are dependent upon disasters.  Although it's never something we want, we are happy to be part of the response and recovery efforts. Part of me wants to go to Mississippi because even though there is still a lot to do here in New York, it no longer feels like a disaster anymore in the sense that DRC's are closing because not enough people are coming in.  Most are conglomerating tomorrow.  However if we do get sent to Mississippi we might not have the chance to do our own case work.   As for the weather here in New York, it snowed last weekend so it's been pretty chilly, however I heard that this is a warm winter compared to previous winters.  I do really miss my California summers!  Can't wait to go back and get a sunburn! (Just kidding mom, I know how important sunscreen is).
     Oh by the way, Happy (belated) Valentines Day! I don't really celebrate this holiday, but perhaps some of you readers do.  I am usually in Mexico at Rancho Santa Marta each Valentines Day.
Oh and I got a free month of Hulu Plus and I am trying to catch up on Bones!
It is also now a weekly tradition for my roomates and I to watch "American Idol".  We are hoping that a girl wins this year, and I've already got my heart set on Angela. 

Okay! TTFN!

I was reading one of my favorite books today, here's a passage:

Miss Twiggley found out
Something wonderful, too
When emergencies come
You don't think about you

You help all you can
And you never ask why
Then the first thing you know
You forget to be shy

-Miss Twiggley's Tree

You can listen to the whole story here:

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