Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

    As most of you know, Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaac hit Louisiana a few days ago.  It traveled to Vicksburg (where I am) on August 29th, exactly 7 years after Katrina.  Since we are not fully trained yet, AmeriCorps sent teams from Class 18B (not my class) to respond and work alongside the Red Cross and other non-profits.  Our power went out on campus, but training still continued.  But that is not the most exciting thing that has happened this week...
    I went to a non-denominational church last Sunday and again today that is seriously my dream church. It is basically like going to a Christian Concert every Sunday.  AND....I GOT MY PERMANENT TEAM!!! Yes, it was so sad to leave my Temp Team ( I love you Ocean 1!) But now I am a member of Ocean 7, and my Team Leader is named Sean and there are 8 fellow Corps Members on my team, which is on the smaller side which is fine with me.  I think I have an awesome team- mostly because my teammate Kevin and I both brought Settlers of Catan, and we have many Catan fans on the team, and also we have a fair amount of Christians on my team so I'm thinking of starting a Bible Study group once we get on SPIKE since we might not be able to go to chruch every week.  Also this week I found out that my Specialist Role is Individual Assistance, which means I talk with survivors and find out what they are eligible for in terms of housing and funds and whatnot.  My entire team will be heading to Anniston Alabama to receive formal training on Individual Assistance by FEMA in one week! Right now we have a three day weekend, and then on Tuesday we are heading to Ole Miss for 3 days for a Ropes Course and a mini-project of some kind.  After Anniston I leave for my first SPIKE, and I most likely won't be back on campus until right before Christmas break.
     As well as getting my Specialist Role, I get to be a Capper, which stands for Corps Ambassador Program.  This means that I will be going out into the community of wherever I am working and I will set up a table with information about AmeriCorps NCCC and give speeches about the program to high school and college students.  I am excited to do this because I get to tell people about this amazing program!  Other members of my group have different Specialty Roles such as Media Representative, Service Learning Initiator, Project Outreach Liason, etc...
    This week we started the AmeriChoir!!! We are going to be singing The Star Spangled Banner at induction on September 13th.  And GUESS who is the Choir Director!? Me. That's right. I am leading rehearsals, and boy am I glad I brought my pitch pipe because we had a rehearsal during the storm when the power was out.  Another great thing about this week is that I think I am getting used to the humidity here mainly beacuse there has not been any air conditioning for the last few days. Last night I went on a Ghost Tour in Vicksburg at an Antique Store that was built in the 1820's. It was well worth the 10 dollars. I got numerous pictures of orbs as well as the general feeling of heaviness when we went upstairs.  It used to be a brothel and there are many recorded murders and deaths in the building.  I'll have internet in a week, and I'll be able to tell you all about the Ropes Course!

"Watch yout thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions they become habits.  Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny".   -Lao Tze


Church Service at Triumph Chruch. Their Service is broadcasted on the radio here!!!

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