Saturday, September 22, 2012

OA and other stories

     Greetings!  I have been in training here in Anniston Alabama for nearly a week.  For the most part, I like it here.  Although we still have not yet gotten into detail about what I will actually be doing for the next nine months, we have learned about FEMA and how to talk to the media and whatnot.  My team leader has been using military time to communicate the schedule to us, so I have been using that a lot.  One thing I like about Anniston is that we can do individual PT (Physical Training).
    We are staying at a CDP- Center for Domestic Preparedness.  We are sharing the facilities with military, firefighters, and police.  They are fun people and interested in knowing what we are going to be doing.

Here are some of my thoughts and updates:

FEMA's Mission Statement: (yes, we have to memorize two)
FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards.

More Uniforms! - We just got the rest of our uniforms, which consists of another sweatshirt, a windbreaker, 2 FEMA Corps polo's, a long sleeved shirt, and 3 more FEMA T-shirts.  They are spoiling us!   The downside to having just FEMA Uniforms is that people in the community are not always pleased with FEMA.  For safety purposes, when we go to a store or a gas station we need to cover up the "FEMA" on our shirt with our sweatshirt or vest and take off our badge.  I don't want coffee poured on me, or worse.  We have also been warned that we might not be welcomed by every FEMA employee we meet in the field. Why? Because they have recently gone through a rehiring process where they "cleaned out" a few hundred staff members.  And now a few hundred FEMA Corps members are "after their jobs".  Which is somewhat true- many of us want a career in Emergency Management, though I have not given it much thought yet- mainly because I have not gotten to work in the field yet. We were told today that FEMA Corps was created not only to help people, but to give an opportunity for young people to get real experience in Emergency Management and to rebuild the workforce for FEMA.  So although it seems we may have many people against us, we are going to keep positive and remember that we all have the same first name: FEMA, and why we all joined: to help people. It's that simple.

 OA and other Acronyms.  We have learned in trainings that FEMA uses a LOT of acronyms.  They have an entire book full of them, which they call "The Fat Book", probably because it is so large.  And yes, they reuse the same acronyms which is quite confusing.  A few that we have learned is THU- Temporary Housing Unit.  JFO- Joint Field Office.  We visited a JFO on the way to Anniston.  It's the place that Logistics sets up within 72 hours where FEMA workers make and receive calls and plan their goals and determine the where to deploy FEMA workers to, however it is not open to the public.  We will be working in a JFO at some point during this year.  The DRC- Disaster Recovery Center, is the place where survivors can go and get more information on services and resources available to them.  And FEMA Corps has created their own acronym- OA.  What does it stand for?  Obama's Army.  Remember in Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix when the Ministry of Magic suspected that the students were making an Army? Well apparently there are many theories out there on the internet about FEMA Corps and how we are Obama's Army and he is training us to take over the world.  Well friends, sorry to disappoint, but we won't be taking over the world. We WILL however be changing the lives of survivors in a positive way and not to mention our own lives :)

My new Home!

Kids vs. Adults.  Here in FEMA Corps we consist of Corps Members ranging in age from 18 to 25.  And yes, many of us look young, and some of us act young, however most of us are mature and would like to be considered adults.  Which is exactly what FEMA and AmeriCorps NCCC treat us like, which is awesome.  It's everyone else we have to convince that we are capable of doing the jobs we are assigned to do.  And we are the first FEMA Corps which means we have a weight on our shoulders and yes, we have had people call us kids, but we will show them we are not kids!
FEMA Corps: The book. A member of FEMA Corps named Austin is planning to publish a book about FEMA Corps, and the best part it is it will be a compilation of Corps Members' stories and experiences, so I might be able to be a part of it.
AmeriCorps NCCC: The movie.  A teammate showed me the link to a trailer to an independent film that is based off of AmeriCorps NCCC.  It is a horror film, and it looks pretty funny to me.  Trust me, other than the khaki pants and govie vans, the movie is not how it actually is here.  It's called "I Didn't Come Here to Die" Here is the link:
Happy 50th!!!  Today is my grandparents' 50th Wedding Anniversary! Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa!
Team Leaders: The Scoop.  I'm sure you have noticed me talking about Team Leaders.  These are the people in charge of leading their team. Each team consists of about 9-11 Corps Members and 1 Team Leader.  We call them TL's for short. These folks showed up to Vicksburg 1 month before we arrived where they trained on how to lead us.  My TL's name is Sean, and he is an awesome TL!  This week there have been some changes-  Becky, a TL, had to take some time off because her father suddenly passed away a few days ago.  Please keep Becky and her family in your thoughts and prayers.   Also, one of the team leaders stepped down and decided to return home for personal reasons, so a Corps Member named Shane stepped up and became a TL.  He is now part of Team Green- It is called Team Green because they wear green shirts instead of grey.  I wish all the TL's luck this year.  I can imagine it can become really stressful at times when you are responsible for leading the team!  "It's not easy being green"
Not Enough Photos For You? Have No Fear. Photobucket is here.  My team, Ocean 7, has created a photobucket account that you all can access.  It will show not just the pictures I have taken, but pictures that my team members have taken as well.  Here's how to access them:
1. Go to
2. Enter username=  femacorps-ocean7
3.  Enter guest password= stickswithkevin and click login
4.  It will appear that the album is blank, but if you look to the right side of the page you will see a section called sub albums, which is where our teammates post our albums.
5. Enjoy!!!

Want to see photos of our induction? Click Away! (Except for the fact that it was INDUCTION, not graduation…)

First Week of Training = Done! Today we said goodbye to our wonderful instructors who taught us the basics about FEMA.  We passed our final exam with flying colors today!  We are going to start our Specialist Role Training tomorrow by the SME's or Subject Matter Experts.  I am hoping I will like my SME as much as I liked my previous instructors.  My favorite part of being in the class was listening to many stories since these people have extensive amounts of experience.  Not to mention we get free soda, snacks, coffee and tea! 

"If you fail at planning, then you are planning to fail".

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Induction and Anniston, AL

     I have officially been inducted into AmeriCorps NCCC!  However, for the new FEMA Corps, this does not mean we are done with training.  I arrived to Anniston, Alabama for two more weeks of training, and then we are able to go out into the field.  We are staying at a Center for Domestic Preparedness, which is a lot like a hotel.  The rooms are hotel style and there is housekeeping and a buffet for meals, it's really nice here and since there are 50 vegetarians out of 220 people they are now accommodating vegetarian meals. YAY! As of now, half of my team are vegetarian. It's pretty awesome.
     Here is what happened on Induction day: I woke up and got dressed in my new blue FEMA shirt, had breakfast, went to the photo shoot where they photo the entire Corps and Staff and then photo each unit.  I am in Ocean Unit, but there is also Summit and Bayou.  Then my teammate Casey and gave a tour to a few ladies from headquarters and a parent of a Corps member.  Then we lined up and marched in to the gym and started the Induction Ceremony, which consisted of a Color Guard and then I directed the National Anthem, there were speeches from staff and members, and then we recited the AmeriCorps pledge:

I will get things done for America -
to make our people safer,
smarter, and healthier.

I will bring Americans together
to strengthen our communities.

Faced with apathy,
I will take action.

Faced with conflict,
I will seek common ground.

Faced with adversity,
I will persevere.

I will carry this commitment
with me this year and beyond.

I am an AmeriCorps member,
and I will get things done.

After that we had a reception, and then finished packing. The next morning I was awoken at 5 am to have my room inspected by my Unit Leader named Justin.  I had breakfast and headed for the road.  

Lookin awesome in our new shirts.

All of my team! GO OCEAN 7!
What we have done in Anniston:  My team has been issued government laptops and Blackberry's, been taught how to use them (mostly), and has gotten our official FEMA badges that have a facial recognition program.  They are super serious about security around here, which is cool.  We did not do much today (except had an extremely early breakfast!) but the perk to that is that we got out PT done for tomorrow. Also, we got to do PT at 8 PM which is much better than 5:30 in the morning!   Well, I think that's all folks.  I'll be getting up for 5:15 breakfast tomorrow, wish me luck! 

P.S.- In a week or so the Induction Ceremony will be posted on FEMA's website. I'll let you know when that happens.  

I feel like Cadet Kelly here.  Living on a military base, and having room inspections and wearing uniform and going to PT. A friend named Rii is showing me circus tricks like baton twirling, just like Cadet Kelly. It's pretty schweet. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Almost time to leave

Hey guys!
     Yesterday was September 11th, which is a National Day of Service in the United States.  Therefore all 21 teams on my FEMA Corps class served in schools or Fire Departments in Vicksburg or Jackson.  My team got to go to Fire Department 9 in Vicksburg, where we painted the bay floor and then we spent the rest of the day burning evidence and police reports in large barrels.  It was a lto of fun and hard work! The city of Vicksburg hosted a BBQ for us where we were addressed by the major and we reflected on the experience.  We also had a dance party at the BBQ where I did he Electric Slide! I love the idea of using September 11th as a day to give back to your community.  Millions of people served their communities last September 11th, so if any of you reading this have served on this National Day of Service, then thank you! There are many National Days of Serivce every year, so if your interested, look em up!



A teammate burning a police report.

     These are my last days here at the campus in Vicksburg until mid December.  Today we had PT at 6 am, washed the government can and tools, and had a Clearance Meeting with my Unit Leader and team.  In an hour I will heading to Induction Rehearsal and then after that I'll be given my new FEMA Corps shirt that we are going to be wearing for Induction.  Induction is tomorrow!!! We will have a ceremony with all the members, staff, Team Leaders, and really important staff that are coming from Headquarters that were the ones who thought of creating a FEMA Corps.  On Induction day I will be a tour guide for parents, families and friends of members.  We will also be taking a photo witht the entire Corps in our new FEMA shirts.  Once we get to Anniston we will be issued more clothing from FEMA, such as a windbreaker, a polo, and a hoodie.  We are going to be looking legit.
     I will be heading to Anniston Alabama the day after Induction.  We will spend two weeks at a training site where we will be trained in our Specialist Role, which for my team is Individual Assisstance.  We have been preparing for Anniston since day one here, since it's a high security area and very strict with badges, curfews, attendance, etc.  I will have internet access in Anniston, although I will not be bringing my laptop because we are going to be issued Laptops and Blackberry's once we get to Anniston. 

I need to fit my entire life in this red bag, plus a backpack. Boy do I have some packing to do!

Wish me luck for Induction and preparing to leave for Anniston!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ole Miss

     Hello friends.  I have had a pretty awesome week.  But before I tell you about it, I'd like to say RIP to Brett Olsen, a boy who went to my school in Lafayette, who I will forever remember as Harold Hill in our Elementary School's production of the Music Man.  Party hard in heaven, Brett :)
     This week the entire 220 members of FEMA Corps Headed to Camp Lake Stephens which is a few minutes away from Ole Miss.  We went to a restaurant called McAllister's, which is basically like a Panera Bread. It was so tasty that we went again later in the week!  The second day we did the AmerOlympics at Ole Miss, where each team competes in soccer, football, waterballoon toss and whatnot.  Then we found out our results from our Myer's Briggs personality test. I found out that I'm an ENFP or someone with Extroverted Intuition with Introverted Feeling.  That night I had a choir practice and then I went to the lake where I did a 40 foot Zip Line into the lake! It was super fun! Then I swam in the lake for a while.  The next day I did a service project at the Camp where I shoveled mulch into wheel-barrels, and let me say that I got some awesome forearm muscles from that :)  That night we made burritos and smores in the fire and went out to frozen yogurt.

    The next day was the Ropes Course at Ole Miss.  We did low ropes first which got the team working together to figure out creative strategies for the various obstacles.  Then we did 3 high ropes elements which were the Rock Wall, the Flying Squirrel- where 5 people pull another person up into the air, and the Pamper Pole-where you climb up a pole and try to jump onto a trapeze-type thing.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

    As most of you know, Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaac hit Louisiana a few days ago.  It traveled to Vicksburg (where I am) on August 29th, exactly 7 years after Katrina.  Since we are not fully trained yet, AmeriCorps sent teams from Class 18B (not my class) to respond and work alongside the Red Cross and other non-profits.  Our power went out on campus, but training still continued.  But that is not the most exciting thing that has happened this week...
    I went to a non-denominational church last Sunday and again today that is seriously my dream church. It is basically like going to a Christian Concert every Sunday.  AND....I GOT MY PERMANENT TEAM!!! Yes, it was so sad to leave my Temp Team ( I love you Ocean 1!) But now I am a member of Ocean 7, and my Team Leader is named Sean and there are 8 fellow Corps Members on my team, which is on the smaller side which is fine with me.  I think I have an awesome team- mostly because my teammate Kevin and I both brought Settlers of Catan, and we have many Catan fans on the team, and also we have a fair amount of Christians on my team so I'm thinking of starting a Bible Study group once we get on SPIKE since we might not be able to go to chruch every week.  Also this week I found out that my Specialist Role is Individual Assistance, which means I talk with survivors and find out what they are eligible for in terms of housing and funds and whatnot.  My entire team will be heading to Anniston Alabama to receive formal training on Individual Assistance by FEMA in one week! Right now we have a three day weekend, and then on Tuesday we are heading to Ole Miss for 3 days for a Ropes Course and a mini-project of some kind.  After Anniston I leave for my first SPIKE, and I most likely won't be back on campus until right before Christmas break.
     As well as getting my Specialist Role, I get to be a Capper, which stands for Corps Ambassador Program.  This means that I will be going out into the community of wherever I am working and I will set up a table with information about AmeriCorps NCCC and give speeches about the program to high school and college students.  I am excited to do this because I get to tell people about this amazing program!  Other members of my group have different Specialty Roles such as Media Representative, Service Learning Initiator, Project Outreach Liason, etc...
    This week we started the AmeriChoir!!! We are going to be singing The Star Spangled Banner at induction on September 13th.  And GUESS who is the Choir Director!? Me. That's right. I am leading rehearsals, and boy am I glad I brought my pitch pipe because we had a rehearsal during the storm when the power was out.  Another great thing about this week is that I think I am getting used to the humidity here mainly beacuse there has not been any air conditioning for the last few days. Last night I went on a Ghost Tour in Vicksburg at an Antique Store that was built in the 1820's. It was well worth the 10 dollars. I got numerous pictures of orbs as well as the general feeling of heaviness when we went upstairs.  It used to be a brothel and there are many recorded murders and deaths in the building.  I'll have internet in a week, and I'll be able to tell you all about the Ropes Course!

"Watch yout thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions they become habits.  Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny".   -Lao Tze


Church Service at Triumph Chruch. Their Service is broadcasted on the radio here!!!